Preventative Aquarium Maintenance
Monthly onsite assembly, assessment, and maintenance of aquarium(s).
Service Description
Biweekly or monthly Preventative Aquarium Maintenance is recommended to ensure a healthy and operational aquarium system. Epp 'n Flow Aquariums will visit the aquarium location with the necessary equipment and supplies to maintain or revitalize your aquarium. A preliminary assessment will review the current preventative maintenance routine. Ongoing concerns and questions about the system, fish, and plant health, and the long-term vision will be discussed and action plan(s) developed as required. Regular Preventative Aquarium Maintenance is performed by a service technician every 2-5 weeks and may include fish and plant health assessment, plant trimming, planting, aquascaping, algae removal, glass cleaning, substrate vacuuming, ornament cleaning, water exchange, filter media replacement, hardware cleaning, hardware replacement, hardware repair, supply inventory, fish acclimation, and so forth. The time it takes to service an aquarium may vary based on size and condition between cleanings. Some maintenance tasks may be performed off-site before or after the maintenance visit and remain subject to hourly rates. *Recruited expert consultant personnel have extensive experience in fish keeping, and are keen to provide knowledgeable advice and solutions to problems, but are not veterinarians and do not claim to provide veterinarian care. Should there be a pet EMERGENCY, contact an exotic VETERINARIAN immediately.*
Cancellation Policy
For rescheduling appointments, please contact Epp 'n Flow Aquariums at least 24 hours in advance. Emergency visits can be booked by contacting Epp 'n Flow Aquariums directly 306-341-FISH (3474).